الثلاثاء، 7 يوليو 2015

Making Video in Email Work with Animoto


Making Video in Email Work with Animoto

Back in March, we extended our support for embedded video in email marketing by adding Animoto to our roster of supported video apps. FeedBlitz continues to be the leading email marketing service with the widest range of video support — all without the hassle and expense of a specialty dedicated video email service.

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What is Animoto?

If you’re not familiar with Animoto, one way to think about is as that it’s a little like video powerpoint. On steroids. And in an Iron Man suit.

Animoto takes static content (and video too), splices it all together and makes a dynamic, interesting, shareable, rocking video out of it. That’s why Animoto is popular with realtors, for example, because it can quickly and easily turn the photos of a house that we’ve all seen before into something new and engaging. Here’s our video so you can see all the moving parts come together (the music is a little loud, you might want to turn the volume down if you’re in a shared space):


Our Animoto video is a mix of text, static images and screencast recordings (watch as you see the screencast play as the video does its thing). Animoto does the magic to make it rock, and we’re big fans of theirs. If I can do this, you can: You don’t need to be a tech or video guru to make a video sizzle. Not at all!

The point is simply this: what could have been a ho-hum feature announcement became an exciting and engaging news item that really connected with our clients. Which gets me to…

Why Video in Email Matters

According to a recent survey run by Animoto and referenced here – and with the cool infographic too — video in email can increase click through rates by 50% — that’s a tough metric to ignore.  I’ve written about video in email before, and we’re happy to partner with Animoto — as shown by this new video in email marketing case study on their site that highlights our work.

Give it a whirl – and we have a deal, too!

The combination of FeedBlitz and Animoto together is unique. If you’re looking for a better way to get your Animoto videos to yo subscribers, start a FeedBlitz trial here for a 10% lifetime discount.

If you want to do more with slides, static presentations and trade show displays, Animoto is offering our readers a 20% discount on business accounts. Click this link and use the code feedblitz20 at checkout.


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