الأحد، 24 يوليو 2016

Phones without headphone jacks are here... and they're annoying AF and 10 More

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Phones without headphone jacks are here... and they're annoying AF

Be prepared to buy new headphones or be stuck in dongle hell.

Report: Apple Watch sales have fallen 55% since launch, but don't panic

An upcoming software update could boost Apple Watch sales.

7 can't-miss apps: Candid, Swiftmoji, Tinycards and more

This week's list includes a new app for anonymous sharing, an emoji prediction app and an app to help you book the cheapest airfare.

3D printers are never going to be a thing

We were promised a 3D-printed future. It's never going to happen.

Ivanka Trump is trying to sell her Republican National Convention dress on Twitter

Ivanka Trump is selling the dress she wore from her own line at the Republican National Convention on Twitter.

Phones without headphone jacks are here... and they're annoying AF

Be prepared to buy new headphones or be stuck in dongle hell.

Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders

Wikileaks reveals the tense underbelly of the 2016 election.

First 'Justice League' trailer delivers Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman action

The Justice League is finally coming together and this is what it looks like!

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