الخميس، 13 أكتوبر 2016

BMW just revealed a self-correcting motorcycle you can ride without a helmet and 10 More

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The top 10 freakiest movie monsters of all time

Some would say that we're the real monsters.

'Batman' is now chasing creepy clowns in the UK

Caped crusader sent to reassure traumatised children and parents.

This is how much Instagram fashion bloggers get paid per post

Hint: It's a lot.

Corgi desperately trying to get up the stairs is all of us

These stairs are his Everest.

Ikea removed this 'inappropriate' photo for all the good reasons

Customers complained the child posed as Adolf Hitler.

The Rock mocked Kevin Hart for refusing car service on the set of 'Jumanji'

"His legs are double my size, so it's gonna take me a good minute to get there," Hart explains. "He can cut that in half because his steps are bigger steps."

LeBron James trashes Trump's 'locker room talk' while Tom Brady walks away

"We don't disrespect women ..."

You can pry this Galaxy Note7 from my cold, possibly scorched hands

The odds of dying in a car wreck are twice as high as this thing "exploding." I'm keeping it.

'The Daily Show' perfectly takes down Fox News' racist Chinatown segment

Get it, Chieng.

Stolen cellphone records raccoon robber's high-octane heist

Not all animals are our friends.

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