الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2012

10 Awesome Animated Google+ Profiles [VIDEOS]

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Microsoft's New Windows 8 Logo: Design Triumph or Ho-Hum? [VIDEO]
FBI's Looming Server Shutdown Could Leave Chunks of the Internet Dark [VIDEO]
Fair Labor Auditor Says Apple Factories In China Better Than Most

10 Awesome Animated Google+ Profiles [VIDEOS]
Monday, February 20, 2012 11:29 PMAmy-Mae Elliott
We've seen some great Google+ profile hacks, but there's a new breed of design in town -- the animated Google+ profile. Pioneered by Dunken K Bliths, whose creations dominate our gallery, the animations create a real splash when you first land on...

'DNA Origami' Nanorobots Could Find and Destroy Cancer Cells [VIDEO]
Monday, February 20, 2012 10:07 AMKate Freeman
Packages constructed of DNA dubbed "DNA origami" might one day be used to create nanorobots capable of finding and destroying cancer cells in the human body. The nanorobots mimic a cell's receptor system in order to communicate with cells. The...

Hilarious 'Cats as Fonts' Illustrates Personality of Scripts [PICS]
Monday, February 20, 2012 9:32 AMKate Freeman
Are you more of an intellectual Helvetica person? Or a carefree Comic Sans type? Maybe you'd like your emails to harken back to days-of-ol', in which case Times New Roman, Courier or Mesquite STD might be your fonts of choice. Whatever font you...

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