الاثنين، 6 أغسطس 2012

Social Media Coverage on Mashable

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Monday, August 06, 2012
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Mashable Weekend Recap: 61 Stories You Might Have Missed
4:39:45 AMAnita Li

The Mars Curiosity rover landing kept everyone riveted this past weekend. It even reminded some space enthusiasts of the monumental moon landing of 1969.

While the social web was abuzz with stories about the Mars landing, your Mashable team here on Earth dug up other headlines in social media, tech and, of course, the Olympics, which dominated weekend news.

Don't worry if you missed a few stories while you were off from work -- we've taken the time to compile all those stories in one simple digest for your reading pleasure. Pake a look at the links below for our Weekend Recap, where you can get up to speed on the latest happenings.

Editor's Picks

3D Printer Creates 'Magic Arms' For Two-Year-Old Girl

Will Facebook Ever Let You Edit Posts? Here's Why it Should

Ice Cream Shop Releases Pair of Creepy Ads You Must See

Lady Gaga Announces New Album Title Via Twitter

Homemade Shock Collar Peripheral Adds a New Dimension to Gaming

What Do Social Media Users Know About the Olympics?

15 Travel Twitter Accounts to Follow

Headphones for Cats? They cost $1,000

How the Social Web is Talking About the Summer Olympics

Statue of Liberty 'Melts' in NYC Heatwave

Mars Curiosity Rover

Mars Rover Set for Nerve-Wracking Landing on Red Planet Today

Super-Realistic Simulator Lands NASA's Curiosity Rover on Mars

4 Ways to Watch the Mars Rover Landing

Watch the Mars Curiosity Landing Live

Landing Might Be Just One of Mars Rover Curiosity's Hurdles

News & Opinion

RIM Considered Making Android Handsets

Samsung Aug. 15 Event Promises 'New Way'

Male Advertising Stereotypes are Backfiring

Court Rules Embedding Video Is Not Copyright Infringement

Video Says iPhone5 Will be Larger and Thinner Than iPhone 4S

How Does Your Internet Service Stack up to Google Fiber?

Is This App the Next Siri - or the New Big Brother?

Olympics and Social Media: The View From London

Why This Haptic Steering Wheel Could Save Your Life

eBay Testing Same-Day Delivery Service in San Francisco

Gunman Opens Fire at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin

Judge Questions $10 Million Facebook Sponsored Stories Settlement

Personal Genetics Company Seeks Regulatory Approval

AT&T Will Shut Down 2G Wireless Network in Five Years

Somali Olympic Team Gains the World's Support on Facebook

Purported iPad Mini Shots Show no Shooter

Smooth-Talking Hacker Remote-Wipes Reporter's iPad, MacBook

Weekend Leisure

Don't Let Your Password Fall Into the Wrong Hands

Martha Stewart Tells Us: All Those Tweets Are Mine

Bon Iver Wants You to Remix His Songs for Spotify Album

Ubuntu for Android Looks Awesome

Stompy is a Giant, 6-Legged Robot You Can Ride

Top 10 GIFs of the Week

Top 10 Tech This Week

The 57 Belly-Busting Foods on a Stick at the Iowa State Fair

YouTube Live Streams Lollapalooza Music Fest

'Simon's Cat' Partakes in the Animal Olympics

Martha Stewart's Top 10 Pins on Pinterest

Top 6 Olympic Events for Geeks Only

Viral Video Recap: Funniest Memes of the Week

Website of the Day: Lost Photos

11 Inspiring Works of Olympic Fan Art

Two Cats, Mice and an iPad Result in Digital Magic

Synchronized Swimmers in Unlikely Waters

Helpful Resources

9 Apps You Don't Want to Miss

5 Low-Cost Social Media Marketing Strategies for Authors

How to Reach Out to Potential Employers on Social Media

45 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed

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Small Business Owners: Here's How to Manage Your Time

New Tool Eliminates Ugly Craigslist Ads

5 Things Your Digital Agency Isn't Telling You

With Circl.es, Meet the One Your Friends Forgot to Introduce to You

Salesforce's Do.com Helps You Get Things Done

National Zoo Live Streams Cute Critters to Your Phone

SEE ALSO: All the Weekend Recaps Ever Published

Tweeting Truck Lands on Mars, Internet Explodes With Joy
Sunday, August 05, 2012 11:53 PMChris Taylor

Overcoming its "seven minutes of terror" -- and winning the hearts of geeks worldwide -- the 2,000 lb. NASA Curiosity Rover landed on Mars at 1:39am, early Monday morning EST.

"We're on Mars again," said the exhilirated NASA chief, Charles Bolden. "It's just absolutely incredible. It doesn't get any better than this."

Much of the Twittersphere agreed with him -- especially as the Curiosity Rover's official account was live-tweeting the whole landing, writing in what you might well call the voice of the Internet. The first surface-based missive from what many users were calling the "tweeting truck" was this gem:

I'm safely on the surface of Mars. GALE CRATER I AM IN YOU!!! #MSL— Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity) August 6, 2012

Moments later, the account paraphrased Neil Armstrong -- but went the first man on the moon one better, by posting the first ever twitpic from an alien planet.

It once was one small step... now it's six big wheels. Here's a look at one of them on the soil of Mars #MSL twitter.com/MarsCuriosity/.— Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity) August 6, 2012

Back on Earth, a rapt audience followed along via live feed on UStream. And Flight Director Bobak Ferdowsi, instantly recognizable via his mowhawk covered in spray stars, became an instant Internet sensation. He Instagrammed his view from the control room. His wonderfully-named Twitter account, @tweetsoutloud, went from 200 followers to 11,000 in the space of a few hours.

No wonder, with tweets like this:

Mars looks so big - about the size of your open hand, arm extended! Crazy! #msl #jpl #nasa #curiosity— Bobak F. (@tweetsoutloud) August 6, 2012

or this:

Folks asking about my hair, here it is. Been doing this for big events on #MSL #jpl #nasa #curiosity #daremightythings twitter.com/tweetsoutloud/.— Bobak F. (@tweetsoutloud) August 6, 2012

Naturally, Ferdowsi gave rise to a Tumblr, NASA Needs More Mowhawks, and launched dozens of memes, such as:

The moment of landing led to an explosion of superlatives on Twitter. Users outdid each other to congratulate the mission, NASA, and science in general. A $2.5 billion mission -- a cost that is not that much more than what NBC paid for the Olympics -- was celebrated for its ability to inspire an entire country, not to mention a planet.

As NASA was at pains to point out during its press conference, that amounts to an amazing $7 show for everyone in the U.S.

Curiosity's adventures have only just begun, but the sheer awesomeness of the moment of landing will be hard to match.

What's your reaction on this historic occasion? How do you feel about NASA's use of social media? Let us know in the comments.

photo courtesy NASA

Underemployed? Social Networking Can Help
Sunday, August 05, 2012 9:02 PMSudy Bharadwaj

Sudy Bharadwaj is a co-founder and the CEO of Jackalope Jobs, a web-based platform that combines search, social networking, and the overall user's experience to provide relevant job openings. Learn how Sudy and Jackalope Jobs obsess over job seekers by connecting with them on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Most would agree that having a job is better than not having a job in today's economy. But therein lies the problem -- you do the job because you have to, not because you want to. Job seekers not only face a selective job market with high unemployment, but with high underemployment.

Underemployment, despite its advantages over unemployment, is an issue not to be overlooked. It includes people working part-time who would like full-time employment, and people working at lower-level jobs than what they are qualified for, or earning less than they should be, due to the lack of available jobs. According to Gallup data, 18.1% of U.S. adults in the workforce are underemployed, while one in three young adults are underemployed (and twice as likely as older adults to be so).

The disadvantages of underemployment aren't too different from being unemployed. People seem to lose motivation in their career path and are set back from advancing, potentially for a few years. An even bigger and distinct disadvantage is not having the time to look for employment because of current job obligations. The recession produced layoffs and a selective job market, leaving many qualified professionals settling for jobs that don't utilize hard skills and their degree at large. Those baristas with MBAs, those waiters with biochemistry degrees, and those receptionists who went to nursing school are just as unable to find and land the job that's a fit for them.

The underemployed have a different set of challenges -- they are more set on building a career with relevant positions, but also need to find these positions without much digging. Fortunately, social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, make the job search much more direct and accessible. Below, you'll find three ways to optimize your social networking if you're one of the many underemployed.

Target Companies

The underemployed aren't just looking for another position, they are looking for careers. Careers are built by companies, not just one job. Companies related to your degree and career interests will take people with common backgrounds and place them into roles that are challenging, and they'll advance upward.

Make a list of target companies that offer roles on your projected career path. Follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn, and "like" their Facebook pages. Also look for "insiders," or current employees, on social media to connect with. Your best bet is to reach out to someone at, or just above, your career level with a similar professional experience and background, and ask a few questions related to the job search and that person's career.

Don't simply ask for a job, but see if they can provide insight into the job market in your area, or advice on how they advanced their career, or even if they can connect you with relevant contacts within the company. Do this periodically (set a time about once a week) so that you can start finding better leads to jobs you want and can see yourself enjoying. Even if you're offered entry-level work, despite ten years in the field or a master's degree, consider what you can do to advance in the position, or better yet, ways you can meet people in the field more easily if you get your foot in the door.

Target Connections

In line with the tactic of reaching out to insiders, consider tapping into your own extended network. Your co-workers, friends, family and colleagues all serve as connections to jobs within your and their own networks. Remember that connections produce direct opportunities to jobs, whether it's by a warm lead or through referrals.

When using your social network, be transparent about your job search progress and what you're looking for through status updates, tweets or your bio. Don't worry about coming off as desperate, unless you're literally begging for someone to help you. Just simply state your current situation and what the next best (but relevant) situation you're looking to gain. For example, "Emerging public relations practitioner looking for opportunities in non-profits and government agencies." It'll give everyone who is willing to help a better idea of what you're fit for when they come across an employment opportunity.

Go in a New Direction

After being unemployed and then underemployed, some may feel their career path is just not working out for them. It may be saturated, or the person might not be in the right area with enough jobs, yet be unable to relocate. For some, changing fields is a last resort. For others, it can be a rewarding way to build a stable career path.

Social networking can ease this transition smoothly. First, meeting professionals in your new career path is easier than ever. You can find them usually occupying industry-related spaces, like Twitter chats or groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. Ask questions, participate in discussion and absorb all the advice you're given. Additionally, these social networks are vast in sharing specific career resources -- conferences, webinars, ebooks -- anything and everything to craft your hard skills for your new career. Use social media to engage with your connections, and you'll be able to learn what you need to do to lessen the impact of your minimal work experience.

Being unemployed or underemployed isn't fun. It's time consuming and frustrating, to say the least. But, making the most of the connections you have and fully utilizing your social networks can help you determine what direction you need to go in, and how to get yourself where you want to be.

What do you think? How have you used social media to find more relevant positions? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Social Media Job Listings

Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we publish a huge range of job listings, we've selected some of the top social media job opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

Manager, Social Media Marketing at NBC Universal in Los Angeles

Digital Marketing Intern at Inc. in New York

Platform Analyst, Social at VivaKi in Chicago

Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, lisegagne

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