الخميس، 18 أبريل 2013

Twitter Launches Twitter #music App and Service

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Thursday, April 18, 2013
Karp-tumblrTumblr Needs to Fix Its Transparency Problem
Epicurious-angers-boston'Epicurious' Enrages Followers With Boston Bombings Tweets
CheechandchongredditCheech and Chong Celebrate 4/20 With Q&A Series

Twitter Launches Twitter #music App and Service
9:28:47 AMLance Ulanoff
Twitter's new standalone music service finally arrives today on your desktop, but even more importantly, on your go-everywhere iPhone. The social media company unveiled the new service on Good Morning America and in a blog post.


How to Become Internet Famous for $68
3:19:46 AMQuartz
Santiago Swallow may be one of the most famous people no one has heard of. His eyes fume from his Twitter profile: he is Hollywood-handsome with high cheekbones and dirty blond, collar-length hair. Next to his name is one of social media’s most prized possessions, Twitter’s blue “verified account” checkmark. Beneath it are numbers to make many in the online world jealous: Santiago Swallow has tens of thousands of followers.


Twitter to Make 'Big' Reveal Thursday
2:59:07 AMAnita Li
Twitter is set to make a "big announcement" Thursday on Good Morning America, ABC's early-hour television show. GMA teased the reveal on its Twitter feed Wednesday night. Tomorrow on #GMA: @twitter will be making a BIG announcement... tune in! — Good Morning America (@GMA) April 18, 2013 So, what should viewers expect from the announcement? Online speculation points to the official launch of Twitter Music.


The Best Thing About Facebook Chat Heads
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:44 PMChristine Erickson
Little did you know, Facebook's new Chat Head feature just became an entertaining game.


Users Stay Longer on Tumblr Than Facebook, Says David Karp
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:16 PMLauren Indvik
Tumblr users spend an average of 14 minutes per visit, Tumblr founder and CEO David Karp revealed on stage at a paidContent conference in New York City Wednesday. That's about a minute-and-a-half longer than the average Facebook visit, and a few minutes longer than the average Twitter visit, he said. "Does Mark [Zuckerberg] know that?" Karp's interviewer, GigaOM senior writer Mathew Ingram, asked.


Tumblr Needs to Fix Its Transparency Problem
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:36 PMThe Daily Dot
Are Tumblr's transparency issues just poor organization, or a symptom of something more troublesome?


'Epicurious' Enrages Followers With Boston Bombings Tweets
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:19 PMLauren Indvik
Twitter accounts are frequently run by "social media managers" — that is to say, qualified specialists in social media — and yet, nary a crisis goes by without a distasteful tweet or Facebook post in response. The latest example comes from Conde Nast-owned food website Epicurious, which used the Boston bombings on Monday to promote two breakfast recipes to its more than 385,000 followers.


Cheech and Chong Celebrate 4/20 With Q&A Series
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:17 PMChristine Erickson
The infamous comedy duo Cheech and Chong are known for their films and love of cannabis, which makes April 20 the perfect day to celebrate both on social media. In celebration of their new animated feature film, Cheech and Chong's Animated Movie, the two will hang out with fans across multiple social media platforms, starting with a Reddit AMA at 11:00 a.m.


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