الخميس، 13 يونيو 2013

iPhone Users Can Expertly Retouch Portraits With Facetune

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Thursday, June 13, 2013
Ios7-vs-ios6iOS 7 vs. iOS 6: Icon Face-Off
Googleglass1What's Inside Google Glass?
Ios7-apple-1Hands On With iOS 7: It's Just the Beginning

iPhone Users Can Expertly Retouch Portraits With Facetune
12:56:21 AMSean Fitz-Gerald
Something about that portrait you snapped just isn't cutting it. Maybe it's that pesky blemish, stubble or unruly strand of hair that's trying to ruin your pic again. But fear not, the people from Lightricks Ltd. are making your photo-editing needs easier (and cheaper). Meet Facetune, which at time of writing was ranked number three on the App Store's top paid apps chart.


This 3D Printer Works in Zero Gravity
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:26 PMDiscovery News
3D printing is probably the most exciting new technology being developed in the world today, and its scope of influence is not limited to Earth. NASA has recently contracted a company called Made In Space to develop the first-ever 3D printer for microgravity, which it's planning to use on the International Space Station (ISS) and beyond.


Move Over, Hoverboards: This Bike Lets You Fly
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:59 PMDhiya Kuriakose
A new mode of personal transportation has beat hoverboards to the market: the flying bicycle. Czech companies Duratec, Technodat and Evektor have created a prototype of a flying electric bicycle. Unlike E.T.'s run-of-the-mill two-wheeler, however, this one looks more like a snow bike. SEE ALSO: Technostalgia: 20 Misty Memories of Personal Computing Including six battery-powered propellers, the bicycle weighs 209 pounds.


'Jony Ive Redesigns Things' Tumblr Pokes Fun At Apple's iOS 7
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 9:56 PMAllison Reiber
Apple's colorful new iOS 7 redesign has received its fair share of criticism — but none so creative as that from a Tumblr called "Jony Ive Redesigns Things." The blog began after Sasha Agapov, a Los Angeles-based art director, posted his version of a Jonathan Ive redesign of Google's search engine on his Dribbble page.


Apple's Next Big Thing: Craig Federighi
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:58 AMSeth Fiegerman
The centerpiece of Apple's keynote event at its developers conference this week may have been iOS 7, but it was really Craig Federighi who stole the show. Federighi, who heads up development of iOS and Mac OS X as Apple's SVP of software, got more stage time than any other executive during the event.


iOS 7 vs. iOS 6: Icon Face-Off
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:34 AMTaylor Casti
Apple's new iOS 7 re-imagines each of the native app icons. Moving away from Apple's usual skeuomorphic design tendencies, the icons embrace the "flat" trend credited largely to Microsoft's Windows 8. While iOS users can rejoice at the removal of eyesores like Newsstand and Game Center icons, many aren't sure whether this new batch of icons is an improvement.


What's Inside Google Glass?
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:04 AMSamantha Murphy
A look at the inner workings of Google Glass.


Hands On With iOS 7: It's Just the Beginning
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:22 AMChristina Warren
When Tim Cook unveiled iOS 7 at WWDC this week, he called it "the biggest change to iOS since the original iPhone." He's right. iOS 7 isn't just a visual overhaul of Apple's venerable mobile operating system; it's a near-total rethink of many of the core paradigms that have come to make iOS, well, iOS. SEE ALSO: See How Siri Works in iOS 7 iOS 7 looks different, sure, but even in beta, it feels different, too.


Edward Snowden and the Underground High-Tech Economy
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 5:44 AMNational Journal
Booz Allen Hamilton has released a new statement on Edward Snowden, its now-former employee and National Security Agency surveillance leaker. In addition to sharing that the company fired Snowden yesterday over code-of-ethics violations, Booz Allen reports that the Maryland native's annual salary was $122,000 — far less than the $200,000 Snowden himself claimed to be making.


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