الثلاثاء، 3 يوليو 2012

Why You Should Embrace Twitter Lurkers

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Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Cory Booker, Internet's Favorite Mayor, Creates Media Site for Teens
50 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
Moms Are Biggest Brand Boosters on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Why You Should Embrace Twitter Lurkers
Monday, July 02, 2012 10:29 PMTedRubin
Please do not unfollow Twitter followers who are inactive, no matter how long it's been. There are many lurkers, searchers and readers who may never tweet, but still have a great deal of value. What is that value? Well, there are active users on...

Simon & Schuster to Add QR Codes to Book Jackets
Monday, July 02, 2012 4:57 PMLauren Indvik
Come fall, the glossy book jackets of every new Simon & Schuster hardcover and trade paperback will feature a QR code in an effort to bolster newsletter signups. Scanning a code will send consumers to an author's mobile page on S&S's website....

5 Ways to Monitor Your Brand's Effectiveness
Monday, July 02, 2012 11:45 AMMichael Hyatt
Building a brand isn't solely about numbers and figures. It's about attracting an audience that will be an asset throughout your brand's lifetime. Unfortunately, for a brand to be successful today, it has to distinguish itself amid the noise of...

Sports Illustrated to Return to TV With NBC Sports
Monday, July 02, 2012 8:48 AMLauren Indvik
Almost exactly a decade after Time Warner shuttered CNN Sports Illustrated, a 24-hour sports news channel that ran from 1996 to 2002, the Sports Illustrated brand is returning to TV. Sports Illustrated parent company Time Inc. and NBC Sports...

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