الثلاثاء، 12 مارس 2013

How Rovio Evolves From Game Maker to Entertainment Juggernaut

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013
IpadHow Households Without Traditional TVs Get Their News and Entertainment
HomelessMovie Theater Simulates What It's Like to Be Homeless in Winter
SyfySyfy Channel Opens Pop-Up Hotel at SXSW

How Rovio Evolves From Game Maker to Entertainment Juggernaut
Monday, March 11, 2013 5:23 PMChristina Warren
AUSTIN — Rovio announced Monday it is bringing its Angry Birds cartoon series to smartphones, tablets and connected devices. Rovio's distribution strategy for Angry Birds Toons is unique because rather than simply targeting the web or even cable partnerships, the company is using its reach of more than 1.7 billion downloads as a direct way to reach potential viewers.


Togather Helps Authors Connect With Readers IRL
Monday, March 11, 2013 2:08 PMSeth Fiegerman
AUSTIN — After Andrew Kessler published his book Martian Summer, the story of the year he spent shadowing NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander mission, he was eager to do anything and everything to promote it. "I got a lot of non-specific advice to connect with 'my audience' and build 'my platform,' but everyone in the publishing industry tried to dissuade me from doing a book tour," he told Mashable.


How Households Without Traditional TVs Get Their News and Entertainment
Monday, March 11, 2013 11:26 AMSeth Fiegerman
The vast majority of households in the U.S. — more than 95% — still have traditional cable or satellite television, which they use to get news and entertainment, but the number of households relying on other means of video consumption is on the rise. There were more than 5 million households without a traditional television as of the December quarter, according to Nielsen, up from 3 million at the end of 2007.


Movie Theater Simulates What It’s Like to Be Homeless in Winter
Monday, March 11, 2013 10:05 AMPSFK
Relating to the struggles of the homeless is no easy task. Fiftyfifty is a Germany-based publication that is focused on doing exactly that. In a recent awareness tactic called Frozen Cinema, Fiftyfifty tricked unsuspecting moviegoers into feeling what it’s like to be homeless during the winter.


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